• Maria Zufiqar Khan
January, 2014

Maria Zufiqar Khan

Host of “Baat say Baat” on EXPRESS NEWS, Maria Zulfiqar Khan has not managed to garner fame despite years of screen time but was criticised for following the footsteps of Maya Khan by acting as moral police. During one of her shows, she raided an alleged spa, barged in with camera crew and put staff members on the spot by harshly interrogating them. She accused one of the workers as working as a sex slave. She accused one of the workers of being a prostitute and hauled up a man, allegedly the father, and scolded him for exploiting his daughter. The man denied. In the same episode, she forcibly pulled out a pack of condoms from the handbag of a female worker  and implied that they were used for illicit activities --probably a first on mainstream local TV. Her antics have forced even international news media outlets to question her ethics and ways.