A decade in the making
We think of twilight as the mingling of the day and the night: a breathing space, sometimes calm, sometimes menacing, in which neither light nor dark prevails. But the name suggests something odder and more specific than this: not the meeting of light and dark, but rather the co-presence of two ...
A parallel history from the author of ‘The Conservationist’
Although the five party coalition government in Balochistan headed by Dr. Abdul Malik Baloch does not feel threatened by opposition parties, it has been facing constant pulls and pressures from its own coalition partners, the Pakistan Muslim League(N) and Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party. After the ...
ISIS, Iraq, and the Lessons of Blowback U.S lawmakers encouraged officials in Riyadh to arm Syrian rebels. Now that strategy may have created a monster in the Middle East
The plight of the Indus River Dolphins is well known by now due to the efforts of the World Wildlife Fund in Pakistan, less known is the plight of the Asian Black Bear, the Goitered Gazelle, the Markhor, the Sand Cat and the imperiously beautiful Snow Leopard. These are just some of the animals ...
When Afshan’s elder sister refused a marriage proposal from Arshad, she wasn’t fully aware of the eventual consequences, even when Arshad started threatening the entire family with physical violence. But on 3rd April 2010, when somebody threw a bucket full of acid from over the boundary ...
Before June 14, the runoff election day, Abdullah Abdullah - the front runner in the first round of the presidential elections in Afghanistan - looked more confident than his rival, Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai. Abdullah believed he would receive the majority of the votes in the runoff. His second ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Wasio ” (The all Embracing) You should be feeling completely revitalized, and any new ventures that you start at this time should be aided by this fresh, new energy. Romance and relationships are bound to be high on your list of ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya -Tawwaabo” (The Acceptor of Repentance) The completion of your important task will bring in substantial gains and happiness this month. Business proposals, which you might make this month, will be accepted. Housewives will visit their ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya -Saburo” (The Patient) You will have to accomplish quite a lot and organize few things for your career this month. It is a good time to enjoy yourself, just be careful that you don't overdo it! You should be able to express ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Baatino” (The Hidden) Your spread indicates that travel plans may get postponed. Pleaseavoid arguments and tiffs this month. You will have to work hard to maintain your position at work. Working women will do exceptionally well during this ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya Ahado” (The One) You will get quite potential career wise, but it is very important to tempter that with your need to be boundless and free. If you feel too much free, this could cause you to make mistakes. If you are over confidant ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Muqeeto” (The Maintainer) You must safeguard your interests by focusing on routine work. A short journey towards west or south west could prove fruitful. At place of work do not get provoked into lengthy arguments. Deserving government ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Bario ” (The Evolver) You may be getting edgy about carelessness in work-mates or those you handle money with. Just don't get too nit picky and keep putting them straight. You are taking a rather hard line at the moment, focusing on what ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Khabeero” (The Aware) Spread indicates that mixed trends at work will be indicated; some business tasks will suffer from delays. You will require devoting more time to your job/career. This month is good for signing new agreement and legal ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya -Hayyo” (The Alive) You should be very effective expressing yourself in any kind of group meetings, in social situations with friends, or even when just discussing some of your hopes and wishes with others. You ought to feel very ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya -Hafeezo ” (The Preserver) This is the best period for bringing about changes in your work set up. Attend to money matters personally. Love life is rather exciting. Sports and other extra-curricular activities will bring you in the ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Azimo” (The Great One) You might need to step back and consider those issues buried in your subconscious. Other may be tempted to say something arrogant especially in your social circle; refuse to participate in snobbish behaviour. Your ...
Tashbih of the month “Ya-Zaahiro” (The Manifest) Communications and meetings will proceed smoothly this month. Exporters or those in international trade will enter into collaboration with foreign concerns. Financial stability is assured. The emphasis this month is ...