Democracy is like a pet turtle
by Harris Bin Munawar?There is no bigger honor than being the citizen of the greatest country in the world,?more...

Arustic simpleton came to town for the first time. Here, he saw that a group of youngsters was protesting by staging a sit-in.more...
They have two tongues in one mouth, and two faces on one head, so that they can speak everybody?s language. more...
It was on March 6th that General James Mattis, the US CENTCOM chief, told the American Senate Armed Services Committee thatmore...
Pakistan?s installed generation capacity on july 01, 2011 stood at 23,412 megawatts (mw) with an available capacity of 19,669 mw. However, more...
With the present governwment?s last budget presentation approaching, the finance ministry finds itself in a difficult positionmore...
Karachi seemed quite calm on the fine morning of March 27, 2012. Most of the city was asleep, and those awake were busy getting ready for another routine day. The city government?s garbage collection machinery could still be seen on the streets and sweepers had just started their job of keeping the city clean when more...
The military and the intelligence agencies in Pakistan are known to be autonomous of the state, more when we make transition to civilian rule. It is questionable though how autonomous they are, and whether or not their autonomy, meaning weak or non-existent oversight of the civilian authority more...
The nations cannot be pursued without taking into account the political environment. Iran and Pakistan have expressed their determination from time to time to complete the IP gas pipeline project but there is little hope of its completion in the near future. In March 2010, Iranmore...
Ask Faryal Talpur about the most difficult phase of her life and she doesn?t come out with a reply. She?s never considered anything difficult, she says. Very few people have the ability to make a statement like that in a self-effacingmore...
The US is on track so far with the troop drawdown schedule set in President Barack Obama?s West Point speech in December 2009 ? and reaffirmed in the declaration of the NATO summit held at Lisbon in November 2010 ? despite recent setbacks like reactions to US troops to weaken the Taliban and goad them to talks ? for reconciliation and a possible coalition gotmore...
Punjab is the most populous of Pakistan?s provinces and is inhabited by 45 percent of the total population of the country.more...
South Punjab, which otherwise is considered economically among the most backward areas of Pakistan, more...
There is no denying the fact that man, despite being the crown of creation, is the most oppressed beingmore...
It was November 2007. Sitting cross-legged in a dingy room adjacent to Fazlullah?s Imam Dheri seminary, Sirajuddin hadmore...
Forever changing their tactics, the militants belonging to the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and more...
AGENT Vinod, the recently released Bollywood flick,has shot itself somewhere in the nether regions before taking offmore...
Humans are infatuated. Let?s just say that because it sounds good. And then let?s talk for a moment about an infatuation with continuity, not only of the body,more...
Spring is supposed to be the season of colors; we should also know how to play with them. Let?s welcome the multihued spring with some vivaciousmore...
The current national assembly, which is the 13th national legislature of Pakistan, completed its 4th year of the 5-years term on 16th March 2012. With this, the present National assembly became the 4th national legislature of the country which could cross the 4th year mark in the 65-year histor more...
This piece reflects on the last four years of Pakistan?s journey into democracy, and raises three questions; what have we accomplishedmore...
In Pakistan, not only the people, but walls too do the talking, especially on stormy issues. We saw that while driving from the small town of Daharki in the northern Ghotki district of Pakistan?s Sindh province. The wall chalking declared thatmore...
At a time when the political dispensation is being criticized for poor governance, the parliament and its oversight committees need to be more vigilant. The key fiscal accountability tool available to the parliament is the National Assembly?s Public Accounts Committee (PAC). The committee, which is supposed to guard the public purse and culprits were and bring them to bookmore...
Violence against women is a universal phenomenon and it needs to be condemned in the strongest possible terms particularly when the crime also tarnishes the sacred teacher-student relationship. Gone are the days when teachers ? once revered as father figures the grades, transcripts and the test results and there is seldom a re-evaluation. The prestige of teachers who are doctorates with plenty of experience (domestic and abroad) is very high more...
For many years now, a multitude of political leaders, opportunistic hacks, clerics, celebrities and sundry opinion leaders have been moaning more...
?There is no bigger honor than being the citizen of the greatest country in the world,?more...
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